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Member Since 26 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2006 10:23 AM

In Topic: "Official" 4GTuner Members 1/4 Mile list. *Updated 19 sept 2013*

07 October 2006 - 07:04 AM

Haven't run the EVO yet due to clutch issues, but I'll put down my other car:

Username/Owner/driver: Caillin

Car: Nissan RPS13 180sx

Engine: SR20DET

Driveline: RWD

Track: Townsville Dragway

Rims/Tire's: 15" MT Drag Radials

Fuel: PUMP 96 RON (Before 98 came here)

Gas/NOS: No

60fter: 1.64

ET: 12.6, 12.7, 12.6 over 3 consecutive runs. Pretty consistent on the slicks.

TS( Trap speed): 108.9 MPH

Estimated Power: Dynolog graph for 185RWKW

Mods: Lot's of bolt-ons.

Slip is somewhere in a box from when I moved houses a year ago, but if confirmation is needed, Lee was there as well as Gary (Fastrotor) for those who know him.

In Topic: [TSV-NQ] T4G "Grand opening of NCK" 56K Death!!! P

16 August 2006 - 09:48 PM

What time will it be going to?

I've got my car booked to get tinting done on Sat morning, so probably won't be able to make it for the display.

Will pop round afterwards and have a look at the place.

In Topic: The [TSV] T4G members "crash the V8 V's WRX party threa

02 March 2006 - 07:29 AM

Lee, should dig that footage up, and get your ass into gear and get a firewire cable :)

In Topic: The Townsville 4GT members "Official" Chat thread.

02 March 2006 - 03:35 AM

Yeah, if it's got wheels, or electricity flowing through it, there's noone I know in Townsville more knowledgeable.

Once the new shed is finished, we'll be about to finish off the 180sx, YAY!

In Topic: The [TSV] T4G members "crash the V8 V's WRX party threa

02 March 2006 - 03:33 AM

Count me in. I'll probably catch a ride with Lee. Don't want to be polluting the EVO atmosphere with a Starlet GT (well, it does have a turbo lol).

When is it again?