Haven't run the EVO yet due to clutch issues, but I'll put down my other car:
Username/Owner/driver: Caillin
Car: Nissan RPS13 180sx
Engine: SR20DET
Driveline: RWD
Track: Townsville Dragway
Rims/Tire's: 15" MT Drag Radials
Fuel: PUMP 96 RON (Before 98 came here)
Gas/NOS: No
60fter: 1.64
ET: 12.6, 12.7, 12.6 over 3 consecutive runs. Pretty consistent on the slicks.
TS( Trap speed): 108.9 MPH
Estimated Power: Dynolog graph for 185RWKW
Mods: Lot's of bolt-ons.
Slip is somewhere in a box from when I moved houses a year ago, but if confirmation is needed, Lee was there as well as Gary (Fastrotor) for those who know him.
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Member Since 26 Feb 2006Offline Last Active Nov 12 2006 10:23 AM