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Member Since 23 May 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2012 05:53 PM

In Topic: Satria neo

24 May 2011 - 10:37 AM

eveyshop i went to while i was there were all keen as mustard for me to order stuff from them online but none replied to my emails :(

besides that getting over there is so cheap $98 plus tax

yeah man, maybe they're too busy to check their mailbox haha. $98 dollars for fender bar??

In Topic: SIVART's CE9A Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution II GSR

24 May 2011 - 10:30 AM


In Topic: Satria neo

24 May 2011 - 10:27 AM

I saw the tuning district near sunway to but didnt get to check it out, anyway nice ride you got there , It would be good if they made an all wheel drive one like the rally car

benozi, yep i wish they made an all wheel like neo S2000..haha

In Topic: Satria neo

24 May 2011 - 10:24 AM

yep... sunway hotel.. that sounds familiar, i'm just waiting for the flight to line up!

lf i get to KL this year, i'll send you a PM, i have seen so many sneaky 4g's hanging around in KL and surrounding area's, there are evo protons everywhere, and then the occasional one with the rear of the bonnet spaced up to fit the 4g63...

i didn't really get a good look at the parts and shops, so i'll be keen to do that properly next time im in town.

sure mate, PM me one week before you come down here. I will pick you up and fetch you from the KLIA Airport ;)

In Topic: Satria neo

24 May 2011 - 10:21 AM

yeah that the tuning district petaling jaya just down the road from the sunway pyramid.

i need some fender bars might have to make my own way over some time next year

man..you can order directly from them