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Member Since 02 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 03:08 PM

#343335 Is this site going to shut down?

Posted by robtom on 27 August 2023 - 06:17 AM

The site will keep running. It is not as busy as before, but this is not a reason to shut it down. 

#342633 Yana2019

Posted by robtom on 24 June 2019 - 05:08 PM

I banned the spammer. Please report if you see anything like this again. 


Posted by robtom on 04 March 2019 - 01:21 PM

Follow this link to details: 


https://www.4gtuner....ideas/?p=231620 (https://www.4gtuner....ideas/?p=231620)

#341170 Forum down for maintenance

Posted by robtom on 30 April 2018 - 06:16 PM

We are on the new server! It may take longer to update DNS settings for some people (up to 48 hours), but the software has been moved. I will be testing everything in the next few hours...

#341118 Forum down for maintenance

Posted by robtom on 25 April 2018 - 06:23 PM

I will be moving the forum to a new server. The transfer of files will start around midnight on Friday. The move shouldn't take longer than couple of hours, but sometimes it takes longer to change DNS settings. This is to improve the speed of the website, and fix some of the issues we have with email notifications. 

#338266 New content not working.

Posted by robtom on 09 August 2017 - 12:13 AM

Fixed! It was a problem with the database. 

#330140 Emoticon Update

Posted by robtom on 22 May 2016 - 01:45 AM

  :censored:  :cry:  :angelnot:  :sweatingbullets:  :whistling:  :whip:  :help:  :bye:


I removed some duplicates and uploaded few new ones. Hope you like them. 



#327547 Emoticon Update

Posted by robtom on 13 February 2016 - 07:08 PM

I uploaded some, but are they not too big?  : QUESTION :

#307772 email notifications

Posted by robtom on 18 September 2014 - 01:23 PM

I can see in the logs that the problem started few days ago. I am looking into it.....

#302710 Change Occupation in Profile

Posted by robtom on 16 June 2014 - 01:12 PM

Thanks Tim... I spent ages trying to change it, but there is no tab, page or option to do so?


I adjusted some settings, and it should work now. Click on 'Edit my Profile' button, then scroll down to the bottom. The last field is 'Occupation'. After changing it, click on 'Save Changes'. 

#302368 Store checkout

Posted by robtom on 11 June 2014 - 12:35 PM

I fixed the problem, let me know if you still have any issues.

#274675 New moderator

Posted by robtom on 09 April 2013 - 01:55 PM

I am pleased to announce that khubner1 has joined the moderator team. He doesn't need an introduction, being part of the forum for over 3 years.

Welcome aboard!

#266823 The forum was hacked

Posted by robtom on 15 November 2012 - 09:21 PM

The forum was down for most of today, but the hacking actually happened about 2 weeks ago.

The hackers used an exploit in the forum software and modified some of the system files. It wen't undiscovered for days until today when the forum stopped functioning. The exploit since has been fixed by IP.Board.

It took me most of the day to have the site restored mainly because the hacking went undetected for a number of days, and I could not use the latest backups. I had to manually restore the files using some of the older backups.

I don't think we lost any posts or images. The profile updates should also be up to date. Please let me know if you find something not working, and I will look into it.

#258639 Trading forums reopened

Posted by robtom on 05 July 2012 - 05:50 PM

Due to the popular demand we are going back to the old, and for most people better way to buy & sell stuff on 4GTuner.

Please post new items using forums in 4GTuner Marketplace. I will phase out the Classified section in the coming days.
Please check both the Forums, and the Classifieds when looking for stuff, as it will take time for the current adverts to expire.

#258498 Thoughts on new For Sale / WTB app?

Posted by robtom on 02 July 2012 - 08:08 PM

Thank you all for you comments. Feedback is very important, as the changes are ultimately made to benefit the community.
Based on responses to this thread, I have a feeling how it will go, but lets have an official poll and decide together how to proceed.