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Member Since 03 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 22 2012 01:08 AM

Double - Triple Gauge Holder Evos 7 - 9

12 June 2012 - 01:33 AM

Hey 4Gtuner,

Before I post up the following info mods/admin I posted this here as my post count isnt high enough to post in the for sale threads, feel free to move it there if need be.

Anyone interested in a custom made RHD double or triple gauge holder to fit the area where the cd player sits,or a RHD pillar mount is welcome to contact me. Mine is made from the Evo 7 OEM CD player housing and the under pocket to hold 3 52mm gauges on a 10 degree angle back toward the driver which sits in the top shroud of the cd player area, with my cdplayer moved down to the pocket underneath. It uses all the factory clips to connect back to the body

The holder can be made to what you desire; 3 x 52mm, 2 x 52mm, 3 x 60mm, 2 x 60mm etc in any colour you wish, any angle or a straight finish. Mine is finished in gloss black and came up excellent with the rest of the gloss black highlights in the car.

Other Evolution models can be done with measurements of the CD player area or a top mounted dash holder can be done.

PM me directly with car make and what you would like for the price, I will provide you with my mobile number & details.

NB: Because I relocated my cd player to sit underneath and the gauges on top, I had to do a little DIY with a dremel on the internal plastics to fit mine because of the 3 gauges 10 degree angle back towards the driver, this CANNOT be seen once the whole OEM piece is clipped back in

Before (OEM plastics minus my CD player at this point)

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Finished with the gauges,ready to clip back in
Attached File  gauge holder finished.jpg   71.28KB   155 downloads