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doo doo
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#339602 Tuners in BNE
Posted by doo doo on 02 December 2017 - 12:29 PM
#334807 WTB: 7 bolt AC Pump Bracket
Posted by doo doo on 13 December 2016 - 12:08 AM
^ I will be interested that- It looks like it's got 4 bolt mounting points for the compressor, whereas the evo 7 bolt has 3. But the rvr has 4 and i'm looking for one of those too. I'll pm you. And if it ends up fitting evo then Mo can grab it off me.
- MDK87 likes this
#333818 a baby 4g93 build
Posted by doo doo on 21 October 2016 - 11:49 AM
The honda pistons will need to be skimmed regardless I think, so you really need to weigh up whether you want to pay extra for the machining or see what it costs to get some custom order cp's with the specs you need. Then your valve pockets, pin and comp height will be in spec straight out of the box. You could speak to Brad at Spool Imports about that as he should be able to organises that sort of thing and already sells CP 4g93 pistons.
What quench height do you want to run buddy? I ask it because if you want to run a .8 gasket and zero deck you're really pushing the limits to how small a quench to run, ideally you'd machine the piston down a bit more to increase the distance, but you're going to get the valves closer to the piston that way too.
- ted likes this
#328126 RVR Hypergear turbo engine and gearbox in a Nimbus for sale!
Posted by doo doo on 01 March 2016 - 11:08 AM
I am looking forward to the photos...... I will also consider taking just the car with out the engine or gearbox should you want to separate those items.
"Unfortunately I had another kid during the build, had to move and now do not have a workshop, the time or money to finish it off. "
So some of us react differently to having another kid.....
- TBOWGN likes this
#320223 Brisbane Mechanic for 97 Hyper Sports Gear RVR
Posted by doo doo on 22 July 2015 - 11:54 PM
I'm at Fairfield, just up the road from you really. If you need bumpstops made up then Fulcrum is down the road from you too in Rocklea, they can do all suspension stuff for you- or if you want to save some cash bring it over to my place (once running...) and use my garage space and tools to install the struts yourself, it's not difficult and I can help you with it.
#319688 Stripped Exhaust Manifold Stud - Centrehole
Posted by doo doo on 05 July 2015 - 01:05 PM
Yeah that stud goes into an oil drain back from the head to the sump, not a pressurised oil feed gallery. So worst case you'd have a litttle bit of rubbish in the sump, but I'd say it's mostly on the stud by the look of it. You can pop the rocker cover off and block off the rear of the hole through the gallery before cleaning it out/redriling/inserting a helicoil. I've got a helicoil kit (they have their own particular drill sizes and taps) so I'm happy to bring it over and do that for you too. Could probably grind out the mani crack and reweld that for you too actually.... send me a pm if you like, I'm southside of brissy
- ULS33 likes this
#318476 My 4th Black n White RVR Hypergear
Posted by doo doo on 03 June 2015 - 05:28 AM
Doneski, now to install. Here Lars, some happy snaps....
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