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doo doo

doo doo

Member Since 05 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 12 2020 12:41 PM

4g93 SOHC engine for sale

24 March 2018 - 07:25 AM

As above, came out of running car (lancer sedan). Has no leaks, happy to do leak down test upon inspection. Also have clutch, wiring loom and ecu for it if required. Pretty relaxed about price, just need it gone from the workshop floor so llet me know if you need it.

For the sake of putting a price up I'll take 200 for it complete.
Not sure what it's worth so feel free to make an offer

Wtb Flywheel from UF Nimbus 4g64

27 January 2018 - 11:04 AM

HI all, just seeing if anyone has one of these, cheers. Or any similar flywheel from a fwd 4g64 or 4g63.

For sale new- Manley I-beam rods

18 October 2017 - 09:34 PM

Brand new still in box
Manley turbo tuff I-beam rods for 7 bolt 4g63, 150mm length.
Spare set I don't think I'll end up needing

980 delivered within Aus.