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Member Since 06 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 01 2012 04:09 PM

In Topic: Help needed! Will N23WG front bumper fits nimbus N43W?

01 March 2012 - 04:10 PM

Yes it will but you lose your grill ;)

You mean N23WG and N43W nimbus has different headlights so that the bumper cant fit in?

Their headlights seems a little bit different thus I am not sure about that
http://4.bp.blogspot...T FF4WD AT1.JPG

Many thanks again

In Topic: What is the tire pressure you use?

08 December 2011 - 07:47 PM

I run 39 front and 35 rear now
Result is awesome
Thanks guys! :lol:

In Topic: What is the tire pressure you use?

03 December 2011 - 04:52 PM

Many Thanks guys for the inputs!!!! :P :P

I used to take reference from a owner's manual for lancer evo from an evo owner forum that their factory tires runs only 28-30psi

My goodyear sport tires say 50psi max but I apply only 28-30psi so they flats so easily if I don't drive for a while

And the performance is much worse when tires getting flatter

So I think it's time I should re-think the level os psi I should use nowon

In Topic: Will a EVO4 or EVO5's TD05 turbo fits on RVR?

14 November 2011 - 02:17 PM


I was wondering if I change to a newer td05 will help faster spooling than the older Evo 3 td05h

So now I will look for a evo3 exhaust manifold First

In Topic: Decided to run 18psi boost on my 4AT Chariot GT and last decision to do MT sw...

14 November 2011 - 11:56 AM


If I really can get hold of all the mechnical stuff but cannot get the mt harness and mt ECU
Will it be all fine to keep running with at harness and at ECU ?
Shipping a full mt is costly from us is what my FDs always against
So I just thinking strengthening my auto tranny by changing ahit kit or clutch disc from performance parts maker
Since I only plan to run about 300ps on this car so maybe the auto tranny is capable enough ?
