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Member Since 28 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 05 2010 02:01 PM

WTB: Timing belt cover 4G63 (middle part)

15 April 2008 - 11:30 AM

hey i'm after the middle part of the timing belt cover for the evo II 4G63 or similar.

anyone that has a spare one and dun mind parting away with it or can point me in the right direction would be really great.

Cheers :D

Rebuilding an EVO II motor

22 March 2008 - 08:11 AM

Hey all,

I'm in the process of rebuilding my motor. I've basically just finished strippin the motor down today. i've got most of the parts, except for the pistons, bearings, stud kit which will all be ordered as soon as the motor gets into the machine shop.

It'll be a forged bottom end, but with a standard head rebuild.

I've actually got a fair few questions for those that have rebuilt evo motors. but these will do for now:

1. Wat are the pros and cons of removing the balance shafts from the motor? at the moment i'm just thinking of leaving them in there. but after reading some stuff about the 2G motor suffering from crankwalk problems, i need to know if removing balance shafts will eliminate this crankwalk problem or at least reduce it?

2. Wat clutch would u recommend using?? it had an organic heavy duty clutch in it b4 but it's completely goneski.

bigger ex gated turbo, haltech ecu and other stuffs are in part of the build process as well.

any input will be much appreciated.


Age :D