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Member Since 06 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 15 2011 11:42 PM

In Topic: TME ECU

15 June 2011 - 11:47 PM

a CE GSR is a CM5A

cool thanks mate, if thats the case the CM5A/CE would have came with two different ecu boards the metal case cant be touched but ive written the definition file to edit the plastic case ecu's id be happy to help you or your tuner if you need it

In Topic: evo4+ into evo 1-3?

15 June 2011 - 11:42 PM

only asking about the block.
will it bolt to a gsr gearbox if it is narrow block?
it wont need to use roll stoppers as they are on the gearbox.
will the evo 1-3 head bolt onto the evo 4+ block?
that negates all the wiring issues for injectors and stuff and puts the turbo where you want it
are the front of the engines similar in the timing arrangement therefore the front engine mount changed to the evo 3 one.

maybe i will just find some pics on the net and just compare them.

nimbus is narrow block? 6 or 7 bolt?

evo 1-3 head will not fit a 4+ block water and oil galleys are different

and just to correct an above comment the evo 5+ blocks do not get crank walk its impossible due to trust washer design

In Topic: TME ECU

06 June 2011 - 03:02 PM

if the ecu is a plastic case ecu it can be tuned fairly easy, i am still unsure on what a CE gsr is as we dont have them over here we only have a CD5A and a CM5A

In Topic: EV0 4 ECu with TME egnine

06 June 2011 - 03:00 PM

TME uses a different turbo, injectors, cams and fuel pump to a IV best getting a V or VI ecu and tuning it that way

In Topic: My Gsr

06 June 2011 - 02:22 PM

wow.... now that is nice :)