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Member Since 07 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2019 06:37 AM

In Topic: RVR in to CB?

05 December 2017 - 03:51 AM

If that is the cb or early cc lancer then the the mounts left and right are fine, the front and rear engine mounts are harder. when I put the evo3 engine in my cb and wend awd I needed to modify the n/s brace and make it work for the rear point (just under the firewall) and cut and move the bolt through tube sections in the rad support bracket.


Even the front section will be hard if you do not have someone that is great with metalwork and welding.


Then I grafted the whole rear floorpan from the E3  into mine to make it stronger and this was easier than stuffing around making the mounts for a diff.....

It is possible but I would not recommend it.....

In Topic: New HSGR owner

06 January 2017 - 10:13 AM

There was a lot of work to graft the bars together , probably 40+ hours of plastic welding then fine bogging and paint, I had a mate do it as a cashy/ love job otherwise it would have cost me heaps, where i got to on the mould side of things was $2500 to make a decent mould of my bar then i would probably need around the $800 mark to make each one I am not looking to make money on these just to cover the cost of the mould and materials for the bars.

I know several years ago i priced a custom front bar from a shop and was told $2500 fitted not painted....

I figure if i can get 10 people with $900ish we might be able to make it work.

I still would need to make up brackets for the glass bars to attach them too. Either way it would be a decent feat to pull it all together i think.

Foot note you can attach the spare wheel under the floorpan between the bar and the diff cradle was just going to weld a plate with some longer studs to attach it.

In Topic: How many BHP can our auto gearbox handles

05 January 2017 - 10:38 AM

Aldo is king for auto boxes......that is all.....

I have 310awkw and it has not been the fail point shooting for 450awkw once it is fixed... a mate has 350fwkw and it leaves two very black marks up the street :)

In Topic: New HSGR owner

05 January 2017 - 10:34 AM

You're on the right track with the Nimbus bar. They have a different radius where it meets the rear quarter. The mod has been done by someone here, can't remember who though. It looked really neat though, I'd like to mod my bar the same.

Mod was done by me :) used a nimbus bar and grafted the flare/mudguard section off my HSG bar.

Allowed me to remove the massive steel support bar and the swing arm heaps of weight gone.... and looks so much cleaner i think.

I was going to run a mould of it and make fibreglass ones but need a few people to want it first :)