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Member Since 19 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 19 2011 12:53 PM

Do I keep it this time? im new btw

27 June 2011 - 09:09 AM

hey all..

im troy and im from nz

im new to this site and im glad i found it

my first car was a evo rs all chipped and tuned for 18psi dynod and all (coped a lot of launchs and helis) look on youtube for gearboc helis (white evo 1)
but being young i wantd something different so i swapd it for a s4 rx7
but i missd my old evo so i swapded therx7 for another evo1 gsr

a week after owning this i blew the head gasket bent a rod and threw a piston (dodgee rebuild)

sold this for $4500 nzd as is

been saving for a while and decided to get another evo

i just recently brought my sisters genuine tidy evo1 gsr evolution which she owned for 3 years so i know its been treated well

it has full show interior (all white and red) and i just put my old racepros in it to give it more of a race feel

its done 165 genuine kms'

original engine all new waterpump/belts ect

only has a cheep manifold and my old tial 38mm vband wastegate off my old evo1

relly love it and yeh just thinking whats next for it.

my goal is to have it do something like a 10sec 1/4mile

thanks for reading and let me know what you think

