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Member Since 23 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 18 2014 01:01 AM

In Topic: 2.4 FP Red ADM Evo 8

18 August 2014 - 05:54 AM

running about 28-29psi. Thanks I prefer the stock look too....keeps the police off my back :)

In Topic: 2.4 FP Red ADM Evo 8

18 August 2014 - 02:27 AM

Thought I'd give you guys an upgrade on the 8 as a fair bit has happened since my last post!

So I've dropped a build 2.4 in! Mods list is as follows!


- 2.4 LR 9.1CR
- Manley Sport Pistons 87mm
- Manley H beam 156mm long rods
- ACL main and rod bearings
- Cosworth HG
- MAP H11 Headbolts
- Balanced and polished
- FP Red JB w/MAP oil feed kit
- ID2000 injectors
- Walbro 460lph fuel pump
- HDi intercooler kit
- Turbosmart 22psi actuator
- GSC S2 cams
- Tomei Cam gears
- Grimspeed 3port boost controller
- dual map 98/E85 tune
- Turbosmart PB BOV


Also upgraded my clutch to a Carbonetics twin plate, noisy as fk but my god it's an awesome clutch!

Had it tuned last Friday, graph is below!




Red line is E85 tune

Blue line is 98 tune


and a couple of snaps of the HDi cooler on the car.







In Topic: Evo 8 stock parts

20 July 2014 - 09:13 AM

Bump new parts added

In Topic: 2.4 FP Red ADM Evo 8

09 April 2014 - 03:28 AM

Haven't updated this for a while so here's a bit of what's going on with the 8! 


Pulled apart and sprayed the headlights MR style




got the roof fins




currently getting a few performance mods done. In go some 1000cc Bosch injectors, GSC S1 cams, walbro 460lph fuel pump, X3E LICP, 22psi Turbosmart actuator and dual map 98/E85 tune! Should hopefully get it back in the coming days. It won't even compare to the Evo 1 for speed but also have an FP red sitting here waiting for the 2.4 to happen! Then should see some good numbers.