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cool some really good info there Liberoz...I'm checking out a nice 05 EVO 8 Auspec 5sp today, completely standard with full service history looks to be a very tidy car!
I have kept it very clean and spent a lot of money to get it to the condition it's in today both mechanically and body work. Whoever buys it will love it.
Had this for a few months now thought it's time i posted some pics! I'm sure you probably know the car it's been owned by a few people off this forum apparently lol
since i've bought it i've just been fixing a few small things that needed fixing like the rear drivers side window needed a new reg, installed a hi-flow cat, re-installed the battery in the boot as it was a dodgey job (suprised the car never caught fire!), bought a new set of weather shields for the windows as 1 was broken, bought a new passenger side mirror as it was broken and wouldnt fold in automatically. Also bought the billet spark plug cover! Just bought some Evo3 rear pods to finish off the kit andly then it's getting a full respray, also spraying the centre of the rims black. Once im happy with the looks then ill focus on more performance!
I know your probably gona say it's your car and your choice...I already know this I just want to know people's opinions on whether an evo should have a wing or whether they look better without one. Cheers guys!