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Member Since 01 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2011 06:41 PM

In Topic: would a VR4 head swap on to a proton 4G93 DOHC motor?

01 July 2011 - 07:37 AM

Hmm...the 4G93 lower block goes well with a 4G92p MIVEC head -evil grin- but i'm sure ya'all know that by now.

In malaysia, the common thing to do (road tax restrictions - 1.8-litre cars CANNOT be upgraded to 2-litres) is bolt on the 4G92 Mivec head, ECU and wiring onto a GSR 4G93T lower block (ART 4AGZE pistons and duratech conrods) and run either an E-manage or total standalone (Microtech LT10) - i know a fella running 280 fwhp on 1.1 bar boost with an E-manage + Evo 3 TD05H in his Proton Satria, and another fully built engine (Wiseco, Duratech, ACL, ARP, blah blah blah) doing 380 fwhp on a TD05/06 hybrid with no reliability problems.

How common/uncommon is such a setup downunder?