Thanks for the info - I have spent most of today on it without success!! Just to confirm, you took out a siemens controlled engine with engine loom and ecu and put it a mitsu controlled engine, loom and ecu and just plugged it into the body/dash loom above the golvebox?
I have done this but can't get it to crank, I can make it crank by earthing the wire on the starter relay but it shows no sign of firing.
There seems to be many differences in the wires at the two large white plastic plugs between the engine loom and dash loom - i have lost faith that it can possibly work just by plugging in!
I was so pi**ed off , I took the old engine loom and ecu and plugged it into the body loom and just connected the two small plugs under the airbox - it then cranked fine on the key! I guess it may be a problem with these two plugs - I have made no alterations but I seem to remember that the 'new' mitsu engine loom has a couple more wires in the plugs than the existing jumbuck part of the loom (which leads to the wing mounted relay box and down to the starter)Anymore info/help gratefully received!!
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