Hi - can you help me?,
We have recently fitted a 1.8 Gti engine from a 2002 Satria into a 2006 Jumbuck, the engine has a Mitsu ECU and the Jumbuck a siemens, we had no luck getting the engine to start (or even crank) with the combination of wiring, so we bit the bullet and changed all the looms - engine, dash and righthand side section which goes through the bulkhead/wing.
Everything plugs in except the fuel pump but we identified the correct wires and corrected them.
All works and it cranks but still won't start!! - I suspect the immobiliser - we have the car's ecu, immobiliser and (triangle) key (the car ran before we started) - we have dash lights but no check engine light and no small led near the key which should light up when you put the key in, I think these problems are linked but have checked and double checked everything.
I thought an immobilser fault would just knock out the fuel pump/injectors but wonder if it is stopping the led/check light powering up - don't understand why as we have all the matching components - please help if you can as I am tearing my hair out !!!!!!!
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Member Since 01 Jul 2011Offline Last Active Jul 21 2011 07:29 PM