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Member Since 16 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2017 09:45 PM

In Topic: Turbocharging a 4g93 ce2 lancer mr and gearbox selection

19 March 2017 - 10:09 AM

I didn't have the car in FWD for long with that power. But I removed the box and still have it in perfect condition.
BJ has made over 300kw and has had over 200kw on the street for almost 15 years through a CE FWD box.
Trust me without traction you don't break things.

In Topic: Rear brembo head F**k

19 March 2017 - 09:58 AM

I did it about 7 years ago. Don't have any pictures. I'll try and take some. Cars in storage at the moment.


In Topic: Turbocharging a 4g93 ce2 lancer mr and gearbox selection

17 March 2017 - 06:46 PM

Box will be fine for 300kw+
Remember over 200kw you have zero traction so you won't kill the box.

In Topic: Rear brembo head F**k

17 March 2017 - 06:43 PM

I used front rings on the rear driveshafts near the diff. Works fine and easy to do.
I made brackets to hold the sensure off the diff cover bolts.
The issue you have is the ring fits in the spot you normally pry the driveshaft at to get it out of the diff. My work around is to put a T bolt hose clamp on the green part of the CV and pry from that.


In Topic: Valve Spring help

11 September 2016 - 12:20 AM

Spetz the 6A12 lists the same part number in CAPS and the free length of 51.5mm and installed height of 44.5mm. So would be good if you cold get a measurement. At the moment it doesn't have to be a perfect measurement. Just need to see if the installed height is 44.5mm or 37.5mm. So should be able to get with just a vernier.

Thank you