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Member Since 16 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2017 09:45 PM

Valve Spring help

08 September 2016 - 09:17 PM

Does anyone have a 4G92 mivec, 4G93 DOHC, 6A12 Mivec, 6G72 Mivec head apart at the moment that could measure the valve spring for me?
Inner diameter
Outer diameter

I think Im getting valve float and am trying to work out some springs to the pressure I want but need these measurements.
From the workshop manual I know the free height and lbs at seat pressure but just need the actual dimensions and all of my spare parts are in storage :(

I know the 4G93 springs are shorter but they run the same retainer and spring base (I need to recheck CAPS to confirm but I'm pretty sure I read this ) and have the same seat preasure so I assume they are the same diameters.

Thank you in advance