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Member Since 04 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 31 2015 02:08 PM

In Topic: Power gains advice?

17 November 2014 - 10:23 AM

Mine has done about 270000 on totally stock internals and makes considerably more than 250kw at the wheels.

Its enough for 132mph traps in the 1/4.

Mind you mine still has about 145psi across the board too.

It's all in the tune and fuel. Safe = keep it alive!

Sounds promising, so there may be hope! What engine mods do you have, and what drivetrain have you got to handle that power? One thing I'm keen to do is some 1/4 mile action as well



You should do a wet compression test with oil on the bores, not in the piston crown and same amount of oil each time. or a leakdown test to see how much of the low compression is rings.
Your only chasing 10% more so id say up the boost, once you are happy. I think the stateside guys say that the 7 bolts will handle 500hp, I think thats 250rwkw. A 6bolt wouldnt be 10% weaker, would it.


Ill have to look at doing one next time I'm at my dads, car is stored there at the moment. 



You should be able to run 25psi before the turbo is out of it's efficiency range. Unless the wastegate has been ported or you're running an external gate you will probably get boost creep- especially if you are running a 3" dump pipe.

What Walbro do you have? If it's just a 255l/hr I would re-wire it to be on the safe side. Also, what cooler piping are you running? Still running the factory inlets and outlets on your intercooler?

I would think you would need cams to get to 250kw. While you're there i'd find some EVO 7-8 valve springs to put in (I paid $100 for a set, delivered) and replace the lifters and valve stem seals too.


The most I've seen that turbo run is 28psi (boost controller screwed up its settings) and by hell that car boogied! Fairly sure its a 255l, what do you mean by rewire it? Yeah intercooler and piping is stock size, converted to mild steel though. Are 7-8 springs stronger? The head has had a rebuild before.

In Topic: Time attack next weekend at Eastern Creek

09 October 2014 - 12:55 AM

I will be, flying over from Adelaide!