hey guys name is chris from melb, west side, sydenham area the bit better part of this shithole area lol..
have been looking at evo's an for some reason just want one bad now, im after a 7.5 for some reason as my mates recon thats the shittest shape but i love it..
i own a 01 s15 and have loved every day of owning it, its not ur typicall jap spec te37's blah blah blah, its more leb spec sydney lol. so most if not all wont like it but its just basically rims that make it look like sydney spec..
its manual, has black retrim leather, sunroof, and of corse it is bright yellow.. im part of melbs15.com and etstreet.com both are great forums and both produce very good and fun cruise days an events..
we do joined cruises with other clubs and friends and do spur runs and great ocean road runs, and have found myself more involved when there is twisties and cliffs lol..
reason i have joined is to see if anyone has a 7.5 for sale or interested in a swap.. also would like to join in on cruise days and give you guys a run threw the twisties all for fun ofcourse..
her she is my baby and i hope you like her she is daily driven aswell and dave at japwarehouse is the doctor for services and maintanance..
be gental guys lol..
im am a complete dipshit wen it comes to posting pics ect, so would apriciate some1 hosting them for me, i can send emails that isnt to hard lol thanks..
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