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richie k

richie k

Member Since 08 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2011 11:56 PM

In Topic: hi im new

07 August 2011 - 11:57 PM

welcome to the site

In Topic: problems

05 August 2011 - 04:22 PM

plugs only went in last week but il check the leads in awhile
trying to get my hands on boost gauge/controller so might have a better idea then. found a nice apexi avcr going cheap on ebay so just waiting and hoping to outbid.anybody know if the hks evc are any good?
thanks agin for advise lads

In Topic: problems

04 August 2011 - 03:38 PM

Is it a violent jerk?
Can you reach redline with like half throttle?

ya its quite violent,scared the shite out of me the first time :unsure:
i tried it there and i can reach reline at half throttle,it seems to only happen under aggressive driving

In Topic: problems

03 August 2011 - 01:32 PM

dont think its a boost leak cos im able to accelerate straight away again after it jerks,would a leak be constant? couldnt spot a leak but havnt tested it.
if it was plugs or coils it would happen up through the revs at even half throttle but its only when flat out at high revs. not sure about tps tho.
hadnt thought bout fuel pressure.
im so broke after doing the conversion im goin to have to wait a bit :(
when i can afford a boost gauge and fuel pressure gauge il fit him them and see.hopefully soon.if it is spiking it could be actuator problems.

In Topic: my gsr (gen2)

18 July 2011 - 12:52 AM

old plan cancelled,getting a 4g63 next week.completely standard evo 4 engine so ive a blank canvas to start with now