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richie k

richie k

Member Since 08 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2011 11:56 PM

fake walboros

03 August 2011 - 01:35 PM

can anybody tell me do all walboros have walboro printed on them?
a few peole told me they have never seen it on them.recently got one with it on it and wondering is it a fake cos having some trouble..havnt pinpointed the problem yet but seems like a fuel cut.


02 August 2011 - 02:59 PM

i recently fitted an evo 4 engine/gearbox etc to my cm5a gsr.everythings working grand except when i really drive it hard and it gets to about 4 and a half k revs,pedal to the floor...then the car shudders and jerks with no more acceleration.
first i thought it was a boost leak,then i thought the hks dump valve was upsetting the maf.
theres 2 others im more inclined to think it could be,either the fuel pump isnt able for it,(but its a new walboro) or else the boost is spiking which would tell the ecu to cut fuel i think? can anybody shed some light on what it could be? thanks in advance

my gsr (gen2)

11 July 2011 - 05:39 PM

got my gsr bout 9 months ago as a swop for my altezza
it was standard then but didnt stay that way long B)
so far ive a hpi front mount,hks dump valve,cusco strut,lowered,16"rsgt`s and most importantly a falcon evo 4 predator alarm :lol:
not many parts available in ireland,vitually zero but in the next month im relocating the battery and fitting a new induction with an arc heat shield and custom hard pipe to turbo,also stainless steel manifold,boost controller,evo throttle body and fuel pump.and fujitsubo(spelling :rolleyes: ) catback with a decat.hopefully a remap after that.
also evo5 caron culture bonnet with pins,tbo front bumper.have evo 4 skirts and rear bumper but not fitted yet.also evo 5 sopiler
few pics of it so far anyway :D
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rad hose

08 July 2011 - 01:04 AM

would evo 4 5 or 6 rad hoses fit a 1997 gsr?
looking to tidy up my engine bay :rolleyes:

hks rs suction

08 July 2011 - 12:49 AM

not sure if im putting this thread in the right place as im still getting used to the site.but im looking for a hks rs suction pipe for my cm5a gsr lancer.
not sure if they make them to fit,does anybody know?
my engine code is 4g93t so would the libero gt be the same size as its 4g93?