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Member Since 09 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2017 03:36 PM

#328212 New intercooler set up

Posted by SWTGSR on 04 March 2016 - 07:46 AM

Hey thought I would post up some pics of my new cooler set up.

I just got the car back from Meek and it's driving mean. This has been my best upgrade for the car to date, which is awesome to say after all these years of owning the car.

We went with a right mounted set up and Chris custom made all the piping. So no pipe going over the top of the cooler as you normally see.

What you all think?

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#321484 CC GSR front bar and front guards for sale

Posted by SWTGSR on 27 August 2015 - 12:19 PM

Make sure you send us a pic of it once the EVO gear go's on !!!

Done. Check out members ride section

#321482 Build update

Posted by SWTGSR on 27 August 2015 - 12:15 PM

After over 6 months of collecting parts, and another 4 weeks in the panel shop, I finally have the car back. I added a pre photo too so you can see before during and after.

I got a Evo 3 interior installed a month before it went in the panel shop.
I went with the Evo 2 look, genuine rear wing, Evo guards and Evo 1/2 front bar with a fibre glass Evo 2 lip. The fibre glass lip isn't ideal, but it's the best I could source unfortunately. I'm still looking for a genuine lip if anyone has one lol.

A few dents were taken care of and some paint. The wipers and brakes were painted black and fender bars were installed.

Next on the list is a cooling system now I have the Evo bar on.

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  • mat likes this

#311009 95 Lancer GSR

Posted by SWTGSR on 11 December 2014 - 02:12 AM

Thanks guys,
I really dig the amber indicators, and have wanted them for a while but seeing as i have 2 setsof clears already ill probably just use them,
I will swap out the headlights too, so Jack if you want them they're all yours.

May be a few weeks though, i went to get RWC today, and the major problem is the roof, which i knew i needed one eventually but didnt want to be forced to get a new skin.
Ive read the threads on it, but can anyone actually recommend someone in Bris to do the job well?


Check out the difference the amber indicators make, transforms the look of the car



#309222 New Shoes

Posted by SWTGSR on 29 October 2014 - 07:48 AM


here is my mine, only main difference as these are a little old is I now have the amber indicators which looks x10 better.


Will upload a few more once the wheels are one, then i only have to arrange a evo 2 front bar ;p

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#309218 New Shoes

Posted by SWTGSR on 29 October 2014 - 06:49 AM

This better?

#309217 New Shoes

Posted by SWTGSR on 29 October 2014 - 06:48 AM

Hey man I cant open up the photo for some reason, what wheels are they and where did you get them from ?


Oh Gutted.


They are Enkei Tarmacs


I had my cuz in NZ buy them for me, as so hard to find here in Aussie, unless you wana pay $3000


Just arranging shipping for them now


They've been repainted and new sticker decals too

#308951 WTB bonnet and oz racing wheels

Posted by SWTGSR on 24 October 2014 - 08:04 AM

I have four bonnets...what colour is your car


i have two sets of wheels....six have near new ku36 tyres...2 have toyo 888s that are ...well hammered.


pm me with your budget as shipping will hurt

Hey Mate,


I'm looking for a set of 4x114.3 Oz Racing wheels Ideally, What are the rims you have?

