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Member Since 19 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 07 2015 12:04 PM

#302574 [WA] Part out N23W RVR SSG

Posted by rexhunta on 14 June 2014 - 07:17 AM

If you would like. When you thinking of coming down ? Won't fit in a post bag sorry.

#300738 Front Diff Swap

Posted by rexhunta on 23 May 2014 - 09:05 AM

optical illusion, there's 2 blue stands on the chassis rails, the silver one at the front is holding weight off the motor, the trolley jack is just there " in case".


Yeah haven't managed to do anything until the house is finished, we can't get insurance for the shed, so no point leaving essential items in there. Basically I drove my S13 out there, dropped the fuses to both fuel pumps, removed cas and couple of other things just to disable it. And left my spare SR20 that's in bits and my track wheels etc. Love my big shed !. Bit of saving and i'll be able to go the 2 poster I've wanted. The centre bit in front of the door to a bit in front of the RVR is 150 thick with double mesh, so it's setup for it as soon as I can get to it, plus will have 3 phase up there as well. Perks of buying an acre block on a corner ! 


RVR is sitting in there for now, they can't go anywhere so it's fine. Just have to drive around in the Sierra until I get it back. 


Going to do rad hoses, clean underneath it a bit more, and try to find the part number for the cam cover while i'm at it and replace that. Sent an email to Meek last Saturday, haven't heard anything back, are they still open ?



#299777 Front Diff Swap

Posted by rexhunta on 07 May 2014 - 11:33 AM

Hey guys, 


Just needing a bit of info on what's going to be easiest to do in my situation. 


Pretty much, my SSG manual box is just about completely shagged - jumps out of first, won't shift nicely 1-2, won't shift 3-2 nicely anymore, reverse stutters. 


I've got a manual HSG, but the front diff is incorrect ratio. Am I better off ;


1) Swapping the front diffs over in the casings


2) swap internals from HSG box into SSG box and replace bearings. 


3) Match. Fuel. Fire. 


Thanks ! 



#294316 Free bits.

Posted by rexhunta on 09 February 2014 - 09:45 AM

Hey guys, 


Got the front bullbar and towbar from my SSG. 


If anyone wants them, take them. Located Bunbury WA.


Trying to have less crap when I move houses/Keep wife happy.



#289749 RVR HSG panel compatibility.

Posted by rexhunta on 01 December 2013 - 10:42 AM

The grill at the top comes out, then the bumper is 1 piece.

#285168 OBD Reader in RVR

Posted by rexhunta on 21 September 2013 - 03:49 AM

It's ODB1 too ( although the odb2 plug fits.), there was a sticky about how to mod a odb2 unit to work on it.

#267461 rvr pics upload here

Posted by rexhunta on 26 November 2012 - 08:29 AM

Evo 7-9 suspension fits?
How about older Evo's?

no, only 7-9. There's some good links in here.


#259893 Fuel consumption

Posted by rexhunta on 27 July 2012 - 10:52 AM

I wired in E-manage Blue in my old S13. I thought it was a very capable ECU, and when time comes, I'll be wiring 1 into the RVR as well. If you're looking into one, make sure you get both timing and fuel harnesses, and the emanage tuning tool and lead. Worth the money.

#257109 Part Numbers

Posted by rexhunta on 04 June 2012 - 05:57 AM

Tried mitsubishi australia with the above part numbers, the bloke spent the whole day on it and came up bupkiss on the loom, he could see 91 to 99, and it gave him 13 looms, but none to match the above part numbers.

You're extremely lucky he/you got that far.

Mitsubishi in my town won't look at anything that isn't sold in Aus. Any Import eg Delicas, Evos, VR4s etc. Everyone ends up ringing a few of the Perth places.

#253913 Daily Hack RVR.

Posted by rexhunta on 15 April 2012 - 01:06 AM

Hi all, might keep this as a small blog.

This is my work hack RVR.

1994 SuperSportsGear RVR.

When i picked it up was completely stock bar a K + N panel filter.

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Had it for right on 6 days, and timing belt 'b' snapped and smashed the crank angle sensor in half.

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So off came all the front of the motor, Ended up putting new GMB water pump, replaced both timing belts with Gates, and sourced a new crank angle sensor. Also added in a ground wire kit which has helped give me a more stable idle. basically 8g wire, i added 4 extra points in ; 1 on the front engine crane hook, 1 to where there was heap of other grounds going to, 1 on the intake manifold and an extra one to the coilpack/resister ground.

after a few fiddly hours, it was going all sweet again.

So stripped off the front bullbar, cleaned it all up, gave it a paint, removed all the side stickers and pushed out a few dents.

Posted Image

then had a few other small dramas, clutch master cylinder let go heading into work 1 day, so replaced that, then my cv boots split as well.

So got right into it, replaced the split cv boots, replaced the split steering rack boots, replaced the worn tie rod ends, and got it all aligned.

then few weeks ago, an offer for some cheap BF Xr6 17" rims came up, so i snapped them up.

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And then scrolling through perth-evo 1 night, a cheap ( $50 ! ) set of Evo 7 stock KYB struts and springs came up, which i just could not say no too !

So yesterday spent couple of hours getting the fronts in. I used the RVR top hats on them, but had to make some bushes for the bottom as they run 2 different bolt sizes. Also elongated the top camber holes a bit so it pushed the toe back in on the front.

so went from this :

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to this on the front now

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hopefully the back will pull down the same when i modify the rear mounts.
