Hey guys new to the forum, I own a 1994 lancer cc GSR, have a bit of problem with the gear box, I think due to syncro failure. Don’t know if I should fix or buy new gear box. Got a few option which I don’t mind taking but hopefully not too pricey.
Option 1 – sell car as is. But how much will I get off it?? Its done round 180XXXks
Option 2 – Buy an evo 3 half cut and do a conversion. Where to find half cut and how much??
Option 3 – Fix my 4g93 gear box. Where to do it and how much??
Option 4 – Buy a 4g93 gear box. Where to find and how much??
Tell me what you guys think is the best option, Im trying not to spend too much but i cant bear seeing the poor GSR just sitting in my garage collecting dust which I think is about 1CM think now hahaha.
Your suggestion and information will be much appreciated Thank You.
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