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Member Since 21 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2012 07:46 AM

In Topic: Aftermarket Coilovers

24 April 2012 - 06:58 AM


anyone tried the tein super flex's?

In Topic: gauge pods/pillars etc

25 July 2011 - 10:11 AM

I am nearing the next stage of my build and i was looking for mounting options for evo 1-3. unfortunately i havent been able to find anything i was just wondering what everyone else is using and where they are mouting them. I'd rather stay away from the steering column. cheers


steering coiumn sucks ball i bash my knees all the time and cant heel toe real well. piller good just put em in a moulding so u dont get a fine

In Topic: evo/ gsr fuel pump

25 July 2011 - 10:07 AM

i thought evo pumps were 196lph?

cheers, well maybe some one knows what fuel press it should be from ilde to full boost(stock waste gaste actuator)??

In Topic: lancer gsr/ evo 3 wiring diagrams engine

21 July 2011 - 11:19 PM

thanks for the info lads ,

its been a while seince i did the con vert but i used evo engine loom and think i used the gsr loom that runs under driver side gaurd due to havin an alarm system in stalled an it started gettin a bit out of hand. i gotbulk time off now so im having another stab at the wiring.

i did run into probs that glxi lad had with the differnce between looms but that info is big help thank an im pretty sure glxi and gsr aus spec are the same looms.

i wanna track down a gen evo3 jdm interior harness so i can run climate controll too cus i want as close as i can get to gen jdm evo 3

any info i gather i will post to assist other users.

for the love of mitsubishi :)