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Member Since 21 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2012 07:46 AM

evo/ gsr fuel pump

25 July 2011 - 08:32 AM

gday lads/lass s

just wondering if there is much differance between stock gsr fuel pump and evo 3 fuel pump that anyones noticed?
car off road for moment and havent done a road test with fuel press gauge conected.

any one got jdm evo 3 interior loom for sale? would like to get climate controll set up.

lancer gsr/ evo 3 wiring diagrams engine

21 July 2011 - 04:32 AM

gday lads

im in need of a wiring diagram of lancer gsr 1993 and evo 3 1995. i have converted my gsr with a gen evo 3 1995 half cut and engine runs well how ever i have no thermo fan operation..i found this out while waitn at bank and gauge got up to h :(
any advice or diagrams will much appricated