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Member Since 22 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2016 07:41 AM

#322939 eBay / Carsales / Tradingpost Car Sightings

Posted by mat on 04 October 2015 - 06:55 AM

a few modded evos/gsr from new zealand  :thumbsup:






#322716 Engine mounts?

Posted by mat on 28 September 2015 - 11:21 PM

I just replaced mine with ones from meek, they are similar to the stock ones as i drive on alot of dirt roads etc so the ones tbowgn sell would have been a bit to hard (nothing negative against them as i have never used them)

anyway the rubber in the original mounts had snapped so the engine was moving around a fair bit, which to me made that car feel sluggish and not as good on cornering. the damaged mounts would also make it difficult to get into/change gears depending on how the engine was sitting at the time, if i was lucky the engine would move a little around a corner and id be able to change gears nice and easy


from my experience, if you go with stock mounts and you do them yourself you'll need access to a press and you need to be careful as they can get damaged quiet easily trying to push them in


so yes, they are important to replace if they are damaged/cracked, if there not damaged/cracked then there no real need to do it

#316333 Father 'n daughter members from Mandurah, W.A.

Posted by mat on 20 April 2015 - 09:20 AM

looks nice

#309219 New Shoes

Posted by mat on 29 October 2014 - 07:26 AM

i can see the picture in the first post and your last post  :thumbsup:


nice wheels, do you have any pics of your car? or are you waiting to get the wheels on first  :P

#308861 my 93 lancer gsr

Posted by mat on 22 October 2014 - 08:32 AM

raised the height of the car, feels like a 4wd now which makes me sad but this sort of makes up for it  :P





#307409 my 93 lancer gsr

Posted by mat on 10 September 2014 - 08:40 PM

yeah it is the plan, i already average 80km/hr on the dirt roads as it is, I dont think its possible to go much faster without it starting to be dangerous as the roads are to narrow for cars to pass in some sections and being mostly forest its hard to see around the corners but even if it helped prolong the life of the bushes would be a good start, as i dont think the bushes are doing to well at this ride height.


also if i hit that bridge at more than 5km/hr i think it would collapse lol  :P


Posted by mat on 20 August 2014 - 09:40 AM

hehe good luck with it  :thumbsup:


Posted by mat on 20 August 2014 - 07:07 AM

this is my tj magna sitting in the paddock so it may be a little different to the gsr but it should give you an idea




back of brack caliper, undo the top and bottom bolt:













only need to do the next part if you are doing the rotors:













you shouldnt go this far, you should still have the brake line connected, this is just to show you the piston that needs to be pushed in to fit the new pads

#306190 Brake rebuild

Posted by mat on 20 August 2014 - 02:57 AM

I've seen different ways of bleeding the brakes on youtube. Can I ask how your bleeding yours? I think I'm confident enough to replace the pads and rotors on my GSR but I dont want to get the 'bleeding' part wrong... :huh:

you shouldnt have to bleed the brakes when replacing pads and rotors, unless you have another issue you are trying to sort


you only need to bleed them if you have a leak that you fixed or you disconnect a brake line which isnt necessary for pads and rotors

#305852 GSR possible fuel pump issue

Posted by mat on 13 August 2014 - 06:27 AM

Is it necessary to replace the fuel filter while replacing the pump as well?...or at all for that matter?

I dont think its necessary, but if it hasnt been changed in a long time it probably wouldnt hurt


Posted by mat on 06 August 2014 - 08:58 PM

The car looks great, i think it was one i was interested in but it was too far away


I think a lot of guys have upgraded to the 4g63t, but im the same as you, just want to have a little fun without having to buy shares in the fuel company! :P


Anyway i asked a similar question not long ago, this is the reply i received from Dave_GSR1.8

Improving you GSR but staying incognito...


If you are after just a moderate power increase with some handling improvements in your GSR you can do this without drawing attention to yourself, these are the things you can do;


- fit a bigger rear sway bar - whitleine 20mm is one option, dials out understeer

- fit caster correction bushes to the front, these add more caster for increased dynamic camber

- fit camber adjusting bolts to front wheels for more static camber

- fit a bigger turbo back exhaust, just keep it as quiet as possible!!

- fit a bigger AFM (609 or 055), injectors (eg 510cc)

- fit a bigger turbo (16g as you have mentioned above) and set max boost to 15psi

- fit a front mount intercooler behind the standard bar (remember, incognito!!) 

- chip the ecu (eg ecm link) or fit an evo ecu, I can't remember the exact details for this second option but plenty of info in the forums 

- fit some green stuff brake pads (or do lots of research to see what else is out there)

- replace all suspension bushes not already touched

- fit a short shifter


All this should take you to around 160kw atw (give or take a little, depends on so many things) with improved handling and stopping and... most importantly... your car still looks completely stock!

#305135 Mats gsr cd5a

Posted by mat on 30 July 2014 - 12:08 PM

looking good, keep up the good work