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Member Since 22 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2016 07:41 AM

Fuel gauge not reading correctly

20 April 2016 - 04:40 AM

Hi I'm having trouble with my fuel gauge, it is reading half full when it is full, does anyone know how to fix this? This is after I filled it to the brim d47aad1591492f496bd92b8e85222412.jpg
Thanks mat

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Turbo upgrade combination for 4g93t

19 February 2016 - 05:31 AM

I've been looking into buying the bits I need for upgrading the turbo, I'm just a bit confused as to what the different combinations are when running evo Ecu's

I know most guys recommend
Td05 16g
510 injectors
Evo 3 Ecu
609 or 055 afm

I'm pretty sure the vr4 had 450cc injectors and td05 14b, what Ecu do you use to run these on a 4g93t

Can 450cc injectors be used with the evo 3 Ecu ? Will 450cc injectors work with td05 16g

Do the evo 1 and evo 2 Ecu's run different combinations?

Where do 560cc injectors fit in, do they run on any of the Evo Ecu's

Will the later evo Ecu's run on 4g93t or are they more for the 4g63t?

When do you need to use ecmlink or similar

Is there any other ones I've missed?

Does having air conditioning cause any issues with upgrading the turbo?


Radiator question

18 February 2016 - 10:30 PM

I bought an alloy radiator to install, but when I looked at the stock radiator it has this electrical plug next to the pipe on the Bottom of radiator, the alloy radiator doesn't have one, what is it? How do I make it work in the alloy radiator, do I need to get one welded on? Or is there an easier solution?Attached File  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1455834553.323798.jpg   230.35KB   117 downloadsAttached File  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1455834572.123419.jpg   326.3KB   107 downloadsAttached File  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1455834583.223302.jpg   443.35KB   106 downloads

Fuel leak

13 February 2016 - 10:11 AM

Hey I've noticed a fuel smell lately when driving so I had a look around and found it was coming from the fuel pump, what I am wanting to know is, can fuel leak from the electrical connector or is it more than likely the hose leaking, I did replace the hose but there is still fuel there, Attached File  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1455358258.170304.jpg   266.21KB   104 downloadsthat is why im not sure

Power window problem

07 November 2015 - 07:50 AM

Hey just wondering if anyone else has this issue or may know what could be causing it?


So the main power window switch works perfectly, will put all windows up and down

but none of the other switches will work, so if anyone wants a window down i have to do it from the main power window switch


i have had two different main power window switches in and it didnt make a difference

If im using the main power window switch to put a window up or down and someone presses one of the passenger switches it will stop the window moving until the passenger one is not pressed 


any help would be appreciated