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Member Since 29 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2011 01:38 AM

In Topic: building a forged 4g93T .....it begins now

09 September 2011 - 02:57 AM

do u mind sharing your rod bearing clearances with me? im curious.

In Topic: building a forged 4g93T .....it begins now

29 July 2011 - 04:07 AM

well the tuning is progressing.......reached 80 percent duty cycle on evo 510cc injectors. that is with the tdo5 14b.....which is starting to drop boost at 6500{reaches 1590hz and falls from that after 6500} boost at at 1 bar

it was limited at 8250.....one log saw over 8350!! oops std valve springs! so lowered the limit to 8000......but it screams for revs and strangely still feels like it is pulling

I have ironed out the knock using std unleaded.....for street use. {The yanks run some pretty big numbers on 93 octane} Standard unleaded should keep her happy enough as she is as poor as a church mouse while studying to become a pig.

yep I said PIG.

for track use it will have a second tune on 98 to see how much timing I can get into it.

intake temps are a bit high......so we may need to change the stock cooler but I will wait and see.

I think judging fr4om the hiss noise ....the standard exhaust {with no rear muffler} has become a restriction.{she can pay for a new one! bloody thing is already into me for over 3k plus what she has forked out} it isnt noisy at the moment without the stock muffler as the pipe size is only about 2"....but back in the old days that was now a lot of group N evos were run.

had that noise u described already and it was the headgasket being too thin, the piston was lightly tapping the head. i switched to a thicker headgasket (a composite one and the noise vanished) b4 u do anything else get a thicker headgasket and ur problem will be solved