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Member Since 30 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2020 08:30 AM

#338855 Exhaust manifold discussion

Posted by hy_ on 17 September 2017 - 07:18 AM

Forgot about this post - Late update, but better than none i guess.


Manifold went on fine, had to redo the oil drain line due to slight difference in fitment.


The tune needed a surprising amount of work given only the manifold was changed, fuel was on the lean side after the change.  Suspect the crack in the old manifold may have been there for some time and previous tune changes had accommodated it.


Definitely more responsive down low than the tubular manifold. No real change to top end, though does feel more linear through the rpm range now due to response improvements.


Has not been back on the dyno since the change, so no numbers yet.



The tune needed a surprising amount of work for the change which was a little unexpected

#332659 Performance garages around North Melbourne?

Posted by hy_ on 27 August 2016 - 10:39 AM

You have probably already sorted this out by now Spetz, but for reference Dynoseek is worth checking out - It has a good list of performance workshops searchable by location and category.




It may help yourself and others next time you are chasing a local workshop for this kind of thing.

#259546 completly lost

Posted by hy_ on 20 July 2012 - 10:31 AM

Ive been pretty happy with Garage 101 in East Vic Park - Had my built 91 a-spec with haltech e8 on their dyno a number of times with good results.
Was impressed by the after sales support as well - they were happy to take me through the process and answer all my questions.

For reference my car was also tuned by RPW prior to 101