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Member Since 31 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2011 05:26 PM

In Topic: Hello from N73W newbie (with fan belt info if needed!)

12 August 2011 - 01:42 PM

Good thing about them is that you use ecuflash to tune the ecu like you do late evo's. I helped a member long time ago and he was able to tune maps and bigger injectors for more power. :)


That's very useful to know, at the moment I'm going handling before power mods... trying to see what offset I need for 19's and what suspension upgrades there are available... but there will come a day not too far away and really handy to know they can be tuned like the late EVO's as that should make things a lot easier, which means cheaper too I hope.

Do you know which member it was, or remember what was done and to what effect? Always helps not re-inventing the wheel.


In Topic: RVR Parts Index

12 August 2011 - 10:38 AM

That's the place from Japan. I bought couple of parts from them.


Yup, it is part of Amayama Trading's site it looks like, but very usefully they have an online database which gives all the OE parts numbers, you simply select your model then go to a list of areas such as cooling, engine, electrical etc. etc. and it trickles down to what you want. It also does other makes if you dig around.

Already been really useful for me when checking an aftermarket part, I cross referenced it with the OE part number and found the supplier was mistakenly giving me an item for a different model that was no use. Also stops my local Mitsubishi dealer getting p*ssed off with constant calls trying to find info!

Out of interest where they any good on price, delivery service etc.?
