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Member Since 11 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 18 2021 04:40 AM

#333640 Libero GT

Posted by phaser on 12 October 2016 - 05:52 AM

Awesome work mate! Wish I was as patient as some of you blokes for attention to detail.. loving that finish on the wiring though!




#333437 VR4 Cordia build

Posted by phaser on 08 October 2016 - 11:27 PM

Just some small updates to keep this going! 


At the moment purchases are on hold until the funding starts building up again.. recently did a road trip to Maitland NSW to pick up an engine, that being the biggest issue.. everything else should be relatively easy. 


Majority of interior is all back together bar front seats and dash.. managed to find a set of later model AC wheels, nothing beats 14' rims baby! 


Engine cross members and suspension all painted and fitted.. new bushes through out on the suspension side of things..



Still yet to do;

Looking for a good condition td05 turbo to fit up 

Needing an ecu to wire up

Find and fit up the auto tranny


Fuel side of things

Paint up front guards and nose cone 


Slowly getting there! 















#332837 VR4 Cordia build

Posted by phaser on 01 September 2016 - 09:28 AM

Hey guys 


Hows it going, so as the title says.. I'm in the process of building a VR4 Cordia in time for Melbourne's summer cruising! I've lost count of how many Cordia's I've owned, definitely more than the undies I've ever owned in my lifetime that's for sure.


Plans are simple, keep it low budget, minimal mods and the biggest hurdle being going in for a RWC and reg.. after the lastest Springy dyno day the other week and bumping into old faces, under Barry's influence mainly haha.. who knows, would love to shoot for 10's in FWD behind an auto.. but the short term goal will be to get it running and registered leading up to summer.


Currently in the process of prepping the bay, paint will go on sometime next week.






