Hey Chris,
You can adjust the clutch a little via the adjustment mechanism on the clutch pedal inside the car.
I know what you mean by the mechanical engagement of the gears, thats normal but crunching and grinding doesn't sound normal to me. Make sure you are fully depressing the clutch pedal before changing gear, ie not starting the throw the gear lever before the clutch is fully dis-engaged.
Regarding the Idle speed, well mine used drop ~100-200rpm when the thermo fan kicked in but would return to 800 odd a second or so later. I guess there is a lot of current draw from the fans (Aircon and Thermo). I solved it but adjusting the idle speed screw a little to bring the idle up to 900-950rpm, that way when the fans kicked in it would still drop a little but the felt drop in idle was not as dramatic. You can always buy another stepper motor but it is $$$ and yours is probably still functioning, just not as well as when new.
The Rattle, sounds cat converter related, pretty common it seems.
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