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Tom N

Tom N

Member Since 24 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 19 2012 12:39 PM

In Topic: Weird cut out issue

19 June 2012 - 12:33 PM

The car has ECM Link installed which I'm pretty sure eliminates boost cut. The car is also converted to speed density. It had this problem prior to going speed density also.
I have a hard time believing its the fuel pump. I can make 1/4 mile passes launching off the studder box. Car will spike 25psi of boost durring the 1/4 mile pass with out issues.
It only does this when making a hard right at 100% throttle about half way through the turn while in boost.
Car has a evo 8 fuel pump installed. I guess I'll change it out for a higher flowing pump just to eliminate the pump as the problem.

In Topic: Weird cut out issue

19 June 2012 - 03:20 AM

My car doea thus with a full tank of gas.

I checked the shifter cables and they do not touch anything.
When sitting still I turned wheel all the way to right and nothing abnormal.
When it does cut out when i floor it making a right turn the tack drops as it I lifted off the gas pedal. Oil and coolant gauges stay normal and radio or nothing else goes off. It's like you just through the car in neutral and lifted you foot from the gas.
nothing else goes dead.

In Topic: Weird cut out issue

18 June 2012 - 11:48 AM

Thank you.
I will try these ideas when I get home tonight.

In Topic: LSD rear for a CC GSR

01 May 2012 - 04:11 AM

all your going to need is the lsd centre and put you gsr crowngear on it

So LSD axels and non LSD axels are the same?
Can I use a LSD center from a 1g or 2g eclipse?

In Topic: Parting out complete GSR.

20 April 2012 - 10:00 PM

I'm sure you know we are right hand drive so our surround won't fit a left hook car

Guess its a good thing im looking for a part for my EVO 1.
If i needed a part for some US car I would just go to the junk yard not be asking if some guy over seas would ship to the US.
Thanks for your help though. :unsure: