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Tom N

Tom N

Member Since 24 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 19 2012 12:39 PM

Weird cut out issue

18 June 2012 - 01:35 AM

If I am making a right hand turn and half way through the turn floor it the car will start to go then just cut out. No popping or miss firing it will flat cut out like it shut off. I will shift to 2nd floor it again and it will take off.
It does not do this on a hard left turn. Only on a right hand turn. It's not low on fuel cause it will do it with a full tank.
Any ideas???

Car is a Evo 1. Pretty much stock with a exhaust, boost controller and ecm link.


07 May 2012 - 01:43 AM

Looking for some ideas on mounting a few gauges in a EVO 1.
I cant get A pillar pods for the car cause its rhd. Would love to see some pics of how people are mounting there after market gauges.


LSD rear for a CC GSR

01 May 2012 - 02:08 AM

Can anyone tell me what is needed to convert a non lsd rear in a CC GSR to a lsd rear?
I want to keep the 3.54 rear gear but want a lsd. Anyone know is a real lsd from a dsm will work?
Are Lancer GSR and evo 1-3 real axels the same?
Any help would be appreciated.

need help with temp control for a/c and heat

01 March 2012 - 11:10 PM

I had to have the heater core fixed which caused me to pull the dash and heater box. I finally put the stuff back together and can not seem to remember where the cable that controls the temperature goes. I do not have a digital temperature control. Its a regular turn knob that goes from (blue) cold to (red) hot. The cable points over to the direction of the passenger side to around the same location as the cable that switches from recirculated air to fresh air but i can not find anywhere to hook the temperature control cable to.
Anyone know where the cable for temp control goes so I can switch from a/c to heat?

This is for a 95 Lancer GSR with a evo3 swap

very weird kph/mph issue

21 December 2011 - 01:52 AM

I have been trying to figure out why my car seems to go slower at certain rpm points than it should. It is a 95 Lancer GSR with a evo 3 engine, ecu, turbo, front mount set up.
Tranny and rear end are stock for the car. I disconnected the drive shaft ( prop shaft to non Americans ) and manually checked the rear gear ratio and it is definitely 3.54.
Heres the weird part. According to sources the Lancer GSR has a final drive of 4.93 and the EVO 1-3 has a final drive of 5.44 as well as a 3.9 rear gear.

Well I had noticed when cruising at 4k rpms in 5th gear I am going about 76-78 mph and according to a gear calculator I should be going closer to 87mph.
I checked my mph in other gears to see if its just 5th thats off. Its not, 3rd and 4th show me going slower than the gear calculator shows at 3k and 4k rpms.
Now hears the crazy part.
If i take the 4.93 final drive ration out of the calculator and put 5.44 in as the final gear ratio that the evo 1-3`s with a 3.9 rear have instead of 4.93 like it should be for a car with a 3.54 rear gear my mph in 3rd 4th and 5th gear at 3k and 4k rpms are within 1mph af the calculator????????????
How in the hell is this? The car has a 3.54 rear not a 3.90.