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hurm.. could you be bothered ripping out the rear diff and axles ?
I want the whole thing gone
You wouldn't have the Jap-spec rear bumper? Is that it on the ground?
Would you send it to Brissy...Pretty please?
I've been desperately looking for one..
They're A spec bumpers, the front is on the ground there and the rear still on the shell
Posted by dakiller
on 04 September 2014 - 06:26 AM
Yes, subscribed to Tom's channel. Also Really recommend Jafro as well, it's all US DSM's, but still all 4g63 goodness - https://www.youtube....ser/Jafromobile
Where did you go to buy those 4-way rectangle connectors for the CAS/TPS? Are there any other special plugs that you need when doing this? I already have the quick release EV-1 injector connectors. What about the temp sensor connector that is screwed into the thermostat housing?