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Member Since 15 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 18 2011 11:55 PM

In Topic: Evo 1-3 And Gsr Bits

17 September 2011 - 05:18 AM

I am after a genuine, stock, intercooler for a 1800 1992 Mitsubishi Lancer Turbo, can you please let me know if you have one and if so how much. I have got a couple of weeks to find and fit a genuine intercooler before my rego is cancelled as the cops gave me a defect for the current aftermarket intercooler that has been fitted.

In Topic: intercooler for 1.8ltr gsr ???

15 September 2011 - 10:12 AM

First of all a big hello to every1, been visiting the site over the last few days nd found i cnt stay away. So... i have recently purchased a 1995 lancer gsr which is fairly stock apart from 3" exhaust to turbo, boost controller, nd pod filter. Looking to extend the mod list nd first on the cards is to replace the stock intercooler. I need to know if the piping kit for the evo 1 2 3 or 4g63 fits onto the 4g93? Looking to spend up to $500 best suggestions would b much appreciated. Cheers

I am looing to purchase a stock standard intercooler for a 1992 1800 evo awd turbo. I have been slapped with a defect and now only have 16 days to find and fit the genuine intercooler. Any help you could offer would be appreciated.