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Member Since 17 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 15 2012 11:44 AM

Haltech lost tune?

16 October 2011 - 10:34 AM

Just wondering if anyone has ever had a problem with losing there tune on a Haltech E8?
I d/c my battery when ever I dont drive the car as it hardly gets used, connected it all up and started the car, took a few goes to get started, then it ran like a pig, to the point where i basically had to idle it back home riding the clutch, any throttle at all and the thing just died. It was idling pretty angry as if it hadnt even been tuned, now it will hardly idle at all.
I havent changed anything on the car and only drove it a week before, in which it was fine.
I dont know if im on the right track with this, tried to hook up the laptop to my ecu using the software to see if any codes were coming up etc, but its not finding the ecu for some reason.
As I say im not sure if im on the right track, but it seems a bit odd considering I havent done anything to the car since i last drove it...
Any ideas???

Hi from perth

10 October 2011 - 09:23 AM

Hi guys, new here thought id say hi. Lots of info on this forum which is good to know.
Have a 92 GSR im planning to do some track work with just for a bit of fun.
I am from Perth
