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boost junkie

boost junkie

Member Since 18 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2011 11:09 PM

In Topic: Rvr is playing silly games watch on utube

02 October 2011 - 09:50 PM

Could it be my o2 sensor or fuel reg because it feels like its not holding pressure it take more cranks but after the first start it start like normal 2-3 cranks and first start of the day take 4-5

sound like broken ring lands ae? ive had spark plugs cause something similar an also heard of broken ring lindings causing something similar, maybee a compression test to see

In Topic: N23W ecu pinout

20 September 2011 - 07:27 AM

Will try it this week as the ECM is Eprom and I have the Evo III and RVR SG to try out.

The Injectors are wired different and in a different place on the ecu plug and the coil wires are backwards compared 1995 RVR SSG to 1995 evolution dunno if early evo has the clutch trigger switch but the rvr doesnt. ive converted my RVR SSG to an evo 3 cam angle sensor so learnt alot there

In Topic: rvr pics upload here

20 September 2011 - 06:43 AM

Hey Heres my RVR, needs alot ov work body and paint but i have owned for 6 years

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and the engine bay

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and a pic ov it standard when i bought it LoL

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