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Member Since 02 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2012 12:03 PM

In Topic: Need help with GSR idling issue, keeps dropping revs like its not sparking pr...

27 January 2012 - 09:25 AM

yeah, its becoming more hassle than its worth lol, i'm getting to the point where it might be kinder on my sanity if i just purchase another complete running 4g93t lol

Thanks for your help though mate, i'll keep trying and looking for more leaks or possible issues, the list is slowly getting smaller lol

In Topic: The Townsville 4GT members "Official" Chat thread.

27 January 2012 - 07:48 AM

Hey Dane,

Car's still having issues, i'm trying to work through them for Sunday, hopefully i'll make it, but right now no promises

Sorry if i can't make it mate


In Topic: Need help with GSR idling issue, keeps dropping revs like its not sparking pr...

27 January 2012 - 07:31 AM

Alright, just checked all the plugs, no oil there :)

Checked the CAS no movement, everything is still tight and solid there

Checked the injectors, they're all firing away

Unplugged the AFM, its working lol

Now onto the fault codes!!!!

(I"M hoping this was just bad fuel lol!!!)

In Topic: Need help with GSR idling issue, keeps dropping revs like its not sparking pr...

27 January 2012 - 06:44 AM

Thanks for the replies guys,

I've tried some more trouble shooting today with a mechanic friend of mine whilst at work,

Still have the problem, however, we're getting closer to narrowing it down lol

So today we:

- Took apart the throttle body and cleaned out completely

- Took out the Idle steeper motor and cleaned it, checked it, it was very dirty lol

- We also searched for air leaks, we've found one, it's coming from the butterfly valve in the throttle body, I believe it's due to a worn out bushing, so we believe this is part of the problem, however, it still doesn't explain why it was such an abrupt change in the motors characteristic

- I've also changed the fuel, going back to BP ultimate, as opposed to caltex Vortex 98

- Run some injector cleaner again

- Checked the fuel pump and pressure/return lines, its feeding fine under pressue, I've got a replacement filter which i'll fit just incase

- We played around with the BISS screw, adjusting idle for the time being, its helped to keep the rev's up a bit better, however the issue is still obviously there, just not as bad

- Also reset the comp by disconnecting the battery and pumping the brakes

Now to the other issues I'm yet to check lol :

- There's no error light as such, everything is normal

- I haven't looked at the CAS yet, however, after driving it today and placing it under different load conditions, I didn't find any loss of power upon putting my foot down, in saying that i mean, it wasn't struggling, stalling or stuttering, though it does feel slight sluggish when doing so, like a slight delay, i can still feel also a slight miss-fire or uneasiness as I put my foot down, not in a hesitant way, more so that it's not pulling cleaning

Now for the offer issues that have come up lol!!!!....just keeps getting worst lol

- I"ve noticed that that it doesn't crank over immediately now, as in you turn the key and it just stalls sort of thing, like its been harshly kicked over, but doesn't actually start

- I've also lost 4-5 psi, it'll only boost to 10psi now?????

Thanks for all your help guys


In Topic: Need help with GSR idling issue, keeps dropping revs like its not sparking pr...

26 January 2012 - 07:35 AM

thanks for the replies guys, I've looked up the Biss guide, but like Khubner1 has suggested i might hold off until i've done everything else, will give the TPS a good look over though, could fuel play a problem with idling? perhaps a faulty pump or clogged filter?