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Member Since 10 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 16 2011 04:17 PM

In Topic: Upgrade RVR 4g63t 7 bolt

03 November 2011 - 05:16 AM

Bigger turbo, injectors and fuel pump, are all supporting mods, alone they will not give you more power. You will need to increase the boost. If you are at .5 bar, you should be able to push a bit more power from your current system.

But the others are correct, this information is plentiful on line! Do some searching! Check out DSMTuners.com, I believe that your RVR comes with the same turbo as what we have on our automatic 1G cars. So you can follow thier path of modifications.

thanks a lot

In Topic: Upgrade RVR 4g63t 7 bolt

31 October 2011 - 01:03 PM

Have you used the search button first to do some reading before asking a question that been covered many times already?

i have searched and got nothing thats why i asked if someone can help...

In Topic: Upgrade RVR 4g63t 7 bolt

31 October 2011 - 12:30 PM

It is all about making more boost and doing so safely. Stock components are usually good for 3-5 extra PSI of boost. Do you know what boost your RVR runs now?

it runs at 0.5 bar