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it happens all the time, but alot of people like to keep the evo genuine as possible, for the history of the car, or alot of the cars are lease or company cars too
Fair enough about maintaining it genuine and lease cars.....
I can't believe that someone just walked into a place for OEM pads and rotors for $3600! No pair of OEM level road pad, Brembo or other wise, needs to be $750. I guess this is a case of ultimate laziness for not shopping around and looking for both better, cheaper options.
Was he advised to shop around or subtly investigate other options?
sounds pretty ok to me also
the last evo 9 we did all round brembo pads and genuine rotors $3600 fitted
but the brembo pads are around $750 for just the fronts
Just note that Oil filters such as these below may also fit (they have the same thread type and rubber sealing surface ring) :
.....although EVO 5's have reported difficulty with fitting the Z79A because it has a wider shell diameter apparently which is close to the turbo oil return feed.
I ending up buying the Z436 for my EVO VI. (mainly because I wanted the Oil pressure to remain high and I intend changing oil every 5,000km so its trapping surface area is less important.