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Member Since 20 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2012 04:07 AM

#252922 work done at tech-sport bayswater

Posted by evoreal on 25 March 2012 - 05:10 AM

Hey everyone how are you,, I have not been on this site for ages , been on shut down work so no time for anything.. as for an update on my car well it made 525kw@ wheels on 1.9 bar on race fuel.. its still not right as the way the dump and screamer is set up it still is restricting so more development by AMS HAS PROVEN WE CAN PRODUCE 20% MORE FLOW so we think around 600kw @ wheels will be possible.
I finally got the car home and have removed the interior for weight reduction and we are still waiting for more parts to arrive from AMS.
Iwill give you all an update on the final set up once its right for the track.I am currently looking for a 6 speed seq box if anyone knows of one.. looked at hollinger so far am keeping an open mind.
Can anyone tell me if the evo club in melbourne is still around?? cheers happy motoring...

#246052 work done at tech-sport bayswater

Posted by evoreal on 27 November 2011 - 01:58 AM

Just a quick note having skimmed over this thread - please keep it above board from here on in. I personally (and many others on this forum) have had Techsport work on our cars and have had no issues worthy of noting.

Having said that I understand your frustrations (I have been in a similar position with a different workshop, so have many others), but ultimately, that is between you and the workshop to sort out. From personal experience, uncontrolled emotionally-driven outbursts on public forums do nothing but to worsen the situation. I don't want to see this thread escalate into an outright flameage session and it will be moderated or deleted if it does as there are potential legal issues for the forum.

Shayne (ENGINR) (thanks!) has outlined the best method in moving forward with your car and the afforementioned issues, follow that process through and see how you get on.

Well its obvious that YOU have as quoted above are personally attached on your response to this thread... Maybe you should read your post//from personal experience , uncontrolled emotionally-driven outbursts/public forums ,
prior to this response we have done nothing of the sort but shared common interest in dealing with mechanics.. : this is what forums are for , therefore it is all above ground.
Im sure if you spent over $25,000 dollars on a car and are waiting nearly 2 years you would be wanting answers on why these so called proffesional mechanics are taking you for a ride...

#243796 work done at tech-sport bayswater

Posted by evoreal on 20 October 2011 - 09:27 PM

Has anyone had issues with tech-sport in bayswater???.

they crashed valves into my pistons - ( had to rebuild whole engine ) they have had my car there for over 1 year , they always say my car is booked in this week ... but then i ring the following week and nothing has been done..
I have spent over $25,000 dollars there and they do not give a dam.. they are not very good or professional at all.. they only care about getting money of you.. I gave them $15,000 dollars a year ago in cash and still I have no car..