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Member Since 20 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2012 04:07 AM

rear fire wall / parcel shelf evo 9

09 April 2012 - 07:46 AM

can anyone supply / know where to get an evo 9 rear fire wall and parcel shelf.. light weight??

work done at tech-sport bayswater

20 October 2011 - 09:27 PM

Has anyone had issues with tech-sport in bayswater???.

they crashed valves into my pistons - ( had to rebuild whole engine ) they have had my car there for over 1 year , they always say my car is booked in this week ... but then i ring the following week and nothing has been done..
I have spent over $25,000 dollars there and they do not give a dam.. they are not very good or professional at all.. they only care about getting money of you.. I gave them $15,000 dollars a year ago in cash and still I have no car..