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leon r

leon r

Member Since 27 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active May 26 2018 05:03 AM

In Topic: Rear wheel issues.

26 May 2018 - 04:47 AM

I am looking to use 17x9 29mm Advan wheels, once I adapt 5 lug spindles.  I am yet to see all the fitment issues, but my wheels will have extra 3mm of spacing.


What size tires are you using?  What rear dampers?

In Topic: Boden's RVR HSGR

24 April 2018 - 02:59 PM

Balance shafts spin twice the speed of our engines, so at 8000rpm, they see 16000rpm and such failures are somewhat common.  I consider them a liability, if you are not required to keep them (as happens in some competitive racing classes), always get rid of them!

In Topic: Antilag.

20 April 2018 - 08:15 PM

I have had anilag available on my ECMLink for many years now.  But I never activated it! 


~15 years ago, when I had my own shop, I sold 16G turbo to a Gallant VR4 rally driver, who used antilag.  He wanted to try out $600 turbo instead of $4k turbos they were normally using.  He said it only lasted a few stages!   He would have been happy if it lasted the entire event, but he wasn't that lucky.

In Topic: Antilag.

20 April 2018 - 03:02 PM

And it should only be used with ball bearing turbos.  I suppose you can use it on sleeve bearings, but they will not last.