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Member Since 01 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 31 2013 07:54 AM

TME from Melbourne..

20 September 2012 - 04:27 PM

Hi 4GTuners.. my name's Chris and I bought a stock TME just before Christmas last year..

I've attached some images below..

Been out of the car scene now for many many years now.. but have previously owned a few 200sx.. however I've always wanted a TME..

Last year the wife gave me the ok to purchase whatever car I wanted.. so I finally made the purchase and I sold the very corporate looking BMW and my weekend Ducati..

My plan is to keep the TME stock as possible with some minor works to make it run more efficiently..

I'm planning to drive around this car daily for atleast the next 18 months until we move and hopefully have enough garage space to keep this as a weekender..

Anyway I was driving home last night when a rock fell from a back of the truck in the freeway and smacked straight into my intercooler..

The car seems to run ok.. it certainly smashed up the mesh and fins.. but I want to replace the cooler just in case..

I'm not looking to upgrade to an aftermarket unit at this stage..

If u know anyone with a stock TME intercooler who might want to get rid of it.. please let me know and lets work out a price..



PS: Looking forward to joining and meeting some of u guys during events in Vic...

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