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Member Since 16 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 01 2012 11:45 AM

In Topic: Information overload

26 November 2011 - 03:12 AM

Thanks to velocity racing for the info and link. It sounds that your idea of competative and mine might be slightly different. I was hoping to run in the rooky class in australian motor sport action group. (not quite as competative as the arc I would imagine). The rules state the vehicle has to be nsw registered so i have been told a bolt in cage is required. I know that the costs will add up and a cheaper option is to buy one already set up but I was really hoping to build my own from ground up and use it as a learning experience. As a mechanic I fix cars every day but rarely get the chance to modify one let along test it and drive it. I definately will ring mike asap. I was hoping for a direction as where to start so as I'm not doing things twice.. Thanks.

In Topic: Information overload

23 November 2011 - 11:06 AM

Hi Besty
I have a E38 VR4 RS gravel rally car i have decided to sell, Im asking 10 grand for it. it owes me WAY more then that!!
what ever you think your going to spend to make a VR4 "rally ready" double/triple it!
best option is to buy a rally car that somebody else has spent the money on already. (not particularly mine)


I know where your coming from, but some of it is the joy of modifying the vehicle and making it preform. Also owning my own workshop helps with some of the costs..