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True TJ

True TJ

Member Since 19 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 15 2015 10:03 AM

#284049 Mens business

Posted by True TJ on 05 September 2013 - 10:23 PM

it seems like a few people here have gone through rough times i guess we are all drawn together over similar bonds maybe? i cant say im worse off or better off then any other as its not my place to say whos had it worse, i dont know what people are hiding behind there smiles, if its anything like me my smile is normally false and for other peoples benefit, i dont want people to have to worry about me on top of there own behind the scenes dramas But in saying that, getting out whats keeping you down means you can have someone to lift you back up

my dad was going through a hard time and told me
"we all fall at some point, thats the problem with walking on your 2 legs, but put your hand out and others can keep you steady."

i seem to have the 3 bad to 1 good ratio problem, as in i get married in just over a week(1 good), and my partners grandma just died, my partner got made redundent 3 weeks ago, my cat ive had for 21 years died a just over month ago.

but ya know what, on my wedding day im going to celebrate that weve got through everything, im STILL here and i plan to be for alot longer, so with all those years to go, my problems are just marathon, i hate training for it, i hate doing it, but once its finnally over, i can look back and say i got through it

#279403 moving a car interstate

Posted by True TJ on 30 June 2013 - 07:43 AM

yeah got one local in the end, real local, like 5 km away lol

#260437 Melbourne Performance Warehouse Dyno Day, Sat 1st Sept

Posted by True TJ on 08 August 2012 - 10:21 PM

hey just thought id let all know that a local business, Melbourne Performance Warehouse will be holding a dyno day soon.

Saturday 1st September - 38 Mills Rd, Dandenong VIC - First Dyno Run At 12pm

It's $50 to enter the dyno comp and all proceeds go to rebuilding and re-opening the Bairnsdale Dragway to give us all a venue for off street racing/burnouts. A gold coin donation is asked for spectators.
There will be a show and shine competition to enter on the day for $10. It will be judged by Troy from Eye Candy and Michael from universal kustoms. First prize is a photo shoot by Brynnn photography and prize packs for runners up

Trophy will be awarded to winner of each class:
• Forced Induction
• N/A
• 4 Cylinder
• 6 Cylinder
• 8 Cylinder
• Show and Shine

Also there will be giveaways all day and a Sausage sizzle.

For entry call:
MPW - 0397932678 or
MIKES - 0397939113

thought this might be up for some of you guys with power house cars.