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Member Since 19 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 15 2019 06:50 AM

#339434 WTB Space Saver - 4x114.3 for Lancer GSR

Posted by EVO193 on 17 November 2017 - 09:18 PM

Hi i have a new evo 1 space saver

#316411 4G63 CNC Ported Head - mivec capable

Posted by EVO193 on 22 April 2015 - 08:07 AM

Who done the work in the US?

#309597 Race Fab rear Brembo adapters

Posted by EVO193 on 07 November 2014 - 10:57 AM

I have a set on my evo 1


Evo 4 5 6 7 8 9 rear handbrake assembly bolts right onto the adaptors but I used 2 x evo 6 passenger side handbrake cables as the evo 6 drivers side cable was too short.


Using the evo 6 assembly I had to die grind the hub hole out of the H/brake assembly to go over the evo 1 bearing hub and cut down the large stud and nut that comes off the rear of the HB assembly as it interferes with the rear of the evo 1 training arm. You might also have to elongate the 4 x mounting holes in the HB assembly that bolts it to the trailing arm as if I remember correctly have a different pcd. I spent about 4 hours fitting them and I installed new bearings and went 5 stud. 


Hope this helps


I just sold a complete assembly with this already completed with brakes and meek cast adaptors.

#307141 GSR Shell, 5 stud Brembo conversion plus more

Posted by EVO193 on 05 September 2014 - 09:43 PM

Sounds pretty good, what would it need to roll? As I would need to roll it on and off a trailer if I were to buy it.


All suspension arms, struts, K frames and a set of wheels. I have all except struts and wheels its all here for sale. All of the arms and hubs are the complete brembo set up.

#305093 RVR Hyper Sports Gear R

Posted by EVO193 on 30 July 2014 - 12:09 AM

Great engine bay.. It will be interesting to see how long the paint lasts on that manifold